eNewsletter – October 2021

Rep eNews

Business Updates for Niles Steel Tank® Manufacturer’s Representatives | Vol. 00

Welcome to Rep eNews

A vital part of our Cullture is helping our manufacture’s representatives be successful. In order to better deliver on that commitment, I am excited to share with you the first edition of Niles Rep eNews. This eNewsletter will provide you with important business, product and industry news to keep you informed about Niles Steel Tank and support your daily work with Niles customers.

Niles Rep eNews will be issued to you on a periodic basis and we welcome your input in identifying useful content ideas for future editions.

We are so thankful to have you as a part of our extended family and appreciate your continued commitment to NST. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me at jwaller@nilesst.com

Jeremy Waller
VP ancl GM, Niles Steel Tank Company